Thursday 7 December 2023

Advent Week 1 Thursday

Readings: Isaiah 26:1-6; Psalm 117; Matthew 7:21,24-27

Where yesterday we were invited to think about weakness and a compassionate Lord ensuring that the people's hunger would be satisfied, today we are presented with images of strength and resistance. Isaiah speaks of a strong city, with gates and walls, ramparts and towers, and a citadel brought down by an everlasting rock. It is an image of sanctuary and security for some, of destruction for others.

In the gospel reading Jesus explains that the basis of the distinction between a house that stands and a citadel that falls is the builder's relationship with the Word of God. Persons who not only listen but who act on the Word that Jesus teaches are building solidly and securely. They are doing the will of the Father and their house (that is, their soul) will withstand rain, floods, gales and whatever else life throws at it.

The person who listens, and perhaps even teaches others (saying 'Lord, Lord') but who does not in practice act on the teaching of Jesus is like a person building a house on sand: in the day of trouble it will not stand.

Isaiah says that the people who are faithful, steadfast, trusting and peaceful can enter the strong city: the gate opens for them. The ones who do not live in those ways, no matter if they listen and even if they repeat back what is required, are not building wisely. They may seem to be secure in their tower but will it stand?

So the message is simple and clear and there is no need to labour it. Advent is a kind of 'Lent lite' in which we are given time to return to the practice of God's Word. And what it asks us to do is equally clear: be faithful, be steadfast, be trusting, be peaceful. Then your house, your soul, will be like a strong city where you will live in security and in confidence. You will be a tower of strength, built not out of pride and ambition but constructed in the power of Christ's love, he who is the cornerstone of everything that endures.

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